⧉Image Agricultural Tools: Wooden Railroad Tracks For Transportation

- Title
- Wooden railroad tracks for transportation (mugui tieshu yuncai che 木轨铁输运材车)
- Date
- 1958
- Creator
- Unknown
- Publisher
- Kexue puji chubanshe
- Rights
- Personal Collection. Fair use. Marc Andre Matten (translation).
- Description
The Ministry of Forest Affairs in Anhui province recommends the construction of wooden rail-road tracks, with bamboo pieces used for parts with a large degree of friction. Suitable for hilly areas these tracks can be constructed over a length of 2.500 meters, with a maximum slope degree of 25%. In order to avoid accidents and derailments wooden breaks can also be added. These tracks are recommended especially in regions with insufficient labor power, the transportation capacity is five times higher than when using human labor power.
Source: 'No. 23' in Quanguo nongju zhanlanhui (ed.), Recommended exhibits of the National Exhibition of Agricultural Tools—Forest Machinery (Quanguo nongju zhanlanhui – tujian zhanpin – linye jixie 全国农具展览会 - 推荐展品 – 林业机械) (Beijing: Kexue puji chubanshe, 1958).