⧉Image Wristwatches: Children's Toys

- Title
- How to choose a toy for children (zenyang gei xiaohai mai wanju 怎样给小孩买玩具)
- Date
- 1959-01-20
- Creator
- Xia Huiheng 夏惠恒
- Publisher
- Hangzhou Ribao
- Rights
- Courtesy of Karl Gerth (translation)
- Description
In this article from the Hangzhou Daily newspaper, the author, a teacher at a local commercial college (杭州商业学校) writes: 'When I was a trainee at the children’s toy counter at Hangzhou’s Liberation Road Department Store (杭州解放街百货商店), I observed that many parents liked to buy their children toy wristwatches or car. Parents rarely bought toys such as tractors, reaping machines, combines, shovels, and rakes[...] Experienced clerks told me that they had the same observation. I think parents should consider choosing laboring types of tools for their children, because those toys could give them knowledge about production and also help develop a habit of loving to work and labor from their childhood.'
Source: Xia Huiheng 夏惠恒, 'How to choose a toy for children' (zenyang gei xiaohai mai wanju 怎样给小孩买玩具), Hangzhou Ribao, 20 January 1959.